Dublin: 1 °C Friday 28 February, 2025

Did you know most winning Roses are brunette? And other facts on the Rose of Tralee

Paddy Power have crunched the numbers about the infamous competition.

IT’S THAT TIME of year again. The coming week is going to be filled with talk of escorts, talents, Dáithí, and lovely, lovely girls. Yes, the Rose of Tralee is here.

Ahead of the competition getting underway on Monday, Paddy Power have compiled some interesting facts and statistics about the Irish institution.

For example, did you know that most of the winning Roses were students at the time of their win? So now.

paddyroses1 Source: Paddy Power

Most winning Roses have all-Irish names


Luxembourg is the most successful region at the Rose of Tralee, based on the size of its Irish community


Dublin is the most successful region in Ireland, winning five times


And most winning Roses have been brunettes


As always, our excitement is palpable. Will we get to see something like this again?

rose-of-tralee-hip-hop-fail-o Source: Gifsoup

We can’t wait. Honestly.

More: 12 gifs that prove being a Rose of Tralee escort is the BEST craic>

There is a ‘Nose of Tralee’ competition for lovely pets>

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